The advantages of our biofuel

CO2 - 0%


Buckwheat Husk Pellets

€160 / ton

Heat Value: 4.8 MWh/t

Moisture: 7.5-8%

Ash content: 1.1-1.6%

ㅤㅤㅤWoodㅤㅤㅤ Pellets                

€180 / ton

Heat Value: 4.9 MWh/t

Moisture: ≤ 5.5%

Ash content: ≤ 0.4%

ㅤㅤOat Huskㅤ ㅤPellets         

€135 / ton

Heat value: 4.35 MWh/t

Moisture: 9.2%

Ash Content: 2.75%

Sunflower Husk Pellets

€145 / ton

Heat Value: 5.3 MWh/t

Moisture: 9.71%

Ash Content: 2-3%


Buckwheat Husk Briquettes

Heat Value: 4.8 MWh/t

Moisture: 7.5-8%

Ash content: 1.1-1.6%

ㅤㅤWoodㅤㅤ Briquettes          

Heat Value: ≥ 4,6 MWh/t

Moisture: ≤ 7,4%

Ash content: 0.28%

Sunflower Husk Briquettes

Heat Value: 5.3 MWh/t

Moisture: 9.71%

Ash Content: 2-3%

ㅤㅤPeatㅤㅤ Briquettes            

Heat Value: 4.6 MWh/t

Moisture: 14-17%

Ash Content: max 8%


We deliver goods throughout Europe on DAP terms.
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